Friday, March 28, 2008

Women's Retreat at Columbia Community Church

Tomorrow I head out with my mom for her church's spring retreat. We'll drive from my parents home in Kennewick, Washington to Clearwater Lodge at Camp Spalding in Newport, Washington. The theme of the retreat is Dwell Well; which is the same theme MOPS is using this year. The verse that they asked me to focus on is John 14:17 "...he lives with you and will be in you."

I've been praying and thinking about this retreat for almost a year now. And it's a real treat to finally be here with these ladies. I got in a few days early to spend time with my mom and dad. And then today I taught at the women's bible study. I loved being with this group of women as they work their way through the book of Matthew. They have a vibrant and growing ministry to the women of their church and it was delightful to see!

I'd love it if you would pray for me. I'll be teaching 4 times during the weekend and I love the material that the Lord has laid on my heart. I'm also very aware that he has an agenda and I really want to be sensitive to his leading and guiding.

Josh has is at home with the kids and they are doing great. He did say the other day that they are making good use of the Kraft macaroni and cheese we've imported!


Kathy said...

I'm praying for you friend and am confident that God will use you to speak truth into the lives of these women! I look forward to hearing about it when you get back. See you in Croatia! :-)

Unknown said...

I can't wait to hear how it went! Prayed for you several times throughout the week-end and just know those ladies loved you and were blessed by your teaching!

Look forward to catching up after you get back and into the groove!