After the traditional reading of the birth of Jesus; Josh took us to John 4 and the woman at the well. We talked about how coming to the well every day and this moment with Jesus made her aware of her real thirst and how the well water couldn't satisfy that thirst. Josh pointed out that today we are thirsty for gifts but we know that in the end we'll be thirsty again. But if we turn to Jesus he can give us living water that will meet our real need. It was a great way to begin opening our gifts!
Josh's brother Steve made it from snowy Portland, Oregon to spend Christmas with us. We were really worried he wouldn't be able to find a flight that hadn't been cancelled. In the end he arrived at midnight just as it was turning Christmas eve! It was good to have family with us. And we got my parents on video skype and they stayed up late into the night their time to see the kids open their gifts and hear all their funny little comments. It was so great! We laughed when Blake said something like, "That was fun having Oma and Opa here." It felt like they should just walk out of the computer screen and go in and sit down for breakfast with us!
Our friends Jenn and Brian came through with really great gifts for usual! Here's Luke playing with the great train set they sent. I'll have to post the girls with their iPods (A TOTAL SURPRISE) and the whole family playing Rock Band with Blake's gift!