We celebrated Blake's 15th birthday today! (He's second from the left). It's hard to believe how quickly the time has gone! He's a great kid with a sharp wit and very perceptive about what is going on behind the scenes. We're real proud of him.
The guys came over after school and played some xbox and then ate slopey joes before they headed out for paint ball with Terry, David and Johnny. We've introduced many of Blake's friends to new menu items like slopy joes, waffles with peanut butter, and other important life necessities!
Many of these boys have been at Blake's birthday party since first grade! Although they will all head to different high schools this fall, I think that Blake will stay close to this group of guys.
I mentioned in an earlier post that Blake is chosing a high school this year and we would sure appreciate your prayers. Please keep them coming! This has not been an easy process. We've learned a lot in the process and found that some of the situations we thought would be best for him are not lining up.
We believe that the Lord has his hand in this. That He placed Blake in this country 10 years ago with a plan in mind. And that he's going to lead us to just the right schooling situation; as well as to where he thinks Blake will be most effective for His kingdom.
We are about 3 weeks from our visit to the states and we still don't have the school nailed down. Would you please pray with us? I'm praying for God's leading to be very clear and for Blake to have peace as he hears from the Lord.