Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Sunday

Lots going on around here these days! Probably just like at your place; but I couldn't let Easter go by with out posting these shots! At our house the kids get an Easter basket, a hollow egg filled with candy and a plush toy type of carrot hidden for each of them. Josh lets them decide what level of difficulty they want. And then he does the hiding. If they want a clue they must pay one piece of candy. I wish you could have heard Blake's war cry, echoed by Luke, when he'd been looking for half an hour and I suggested he just ask for a clue,"NEVER!"
Then we headed to church for an outreach concert. During the concert was a drama that really impacted Luke. He kept telling Kendra that Jesus died. She wanted to soften the blow and said, "No he just went to sleep and then he woke up." But Luke was adamant. So later I told him that Jesus did die. But he did something else after that! He rose again! After a long interactive explanation he told Kendra that "Jesus did die. Mommy told me. But then Jesus come back and kick those bad guys." The two year old testosterone filled boy version!


Anonymous said...

I like Luke's version of the Easter story. LOL Melanie B.

Meta said...

Luke did a great job explaining Easter:) I like it!